FRENDS⁴ Common Components : ~SQL.ExecuteQueryToXML (removed in version

This task has been removed from NuGet package version onwards. Use SQL.QueryData  instead.


This task takes an SELECT SQL query, executes it against a given database with parameters and returns the resulting data as an XML document.

Input Parameters

  • SQLQuery
    • The SELECT query that will be executed to the database.
    • The following restrictions apply to the SQL query:
      • COMPUTE BY or FOR BROWSE are not allowed
      • GROUP BY and aggregate functions are not allowed
      • CURSOR are not allowed
      • User defined functions or stored procedures are not allowed
  • RootElementName
    • The root element name of the resulting XML document of the SELECT query.
  • Parameters
    • A list of parameters to be executed in the query.
  • ConnectionString
    • The connection string of the database the query is executed to.
  • TimeoutS
    • The timeout of the query in seconds.

Output Result

  • String
    • A string containing XML document resulting from the query.

Example Usage


SELECT TOP 1 [Title]
FROM [dbo].[CDInformation]
WHERE Title = @TitleParameter



RootElementName RootElement

Parameters TitleParameter = Empire Burlesque

Returns the following XML document:

    <Title>Empire Burlesque</Title>
    <Artist>Bob Dylan</Artist>



The task will return an exception The query returned no results. if the SQL query returned 0 records.