FRENDS⁴ Common Components : AMQPMessageSender.Send Task


Send is the email task, which can perform is AMPQ send task which can be used for sending messages into message queues, which support the AMPQ-protocol:


General parameters are the same as all tasks in FRENDS, but following are task specific.

Bus Uri: (String) The URL for called endpoint. Uses the amqps -URL format:


For Azure service bus, the format is as follows (key is the SharedSecretValue of the ACS connection string - NOTE: not the SAS connection string's SharedAccessKey!):


Queue or Topic Name: (String) Name of the Endpoint either “Topic” or directly to “Queue”

Message Body: (String) Can be any string that contains the data to be send. (Will be converted to Bytes for Queue)

Application Properties: (KeyValuePairs of Strings) #no info how to use

Message ID: (String) Distinguished ID value for the message. (Guid preferred, use inline C# to generate e.g. Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).

Absolute Expiration Time: (DateTime) Time when message expires (Use inline C# to generate e.g. new DateTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) parameters from year to seconds left to right.)

Content Encoding: (String) Defines the message body text content encoding prior binary conversion (e.g. UTF-8).

Content Type: (String) Normal MIME-type as a String. (e.g. application/json)

Correlation ID: (String) Distinguished ID for response correlation (Use Guid e.g. Guid.NewGuid().ToString())

Creation Time: (DateTime) When Message was created (use inline C# in generation e.g DateTime.Now)

Group ID: (String)

Group Sequence: (Int32)

Reply To Group ID: (String)

Reply To: (String)

Subject: (String) Message Subject.

User ID: (KeyValuePairs of Strings)

To: (String) Receipient Identifier.

Return value:
