FRENDS⁴ Common Components : FRENDS.Common.Services.WebServices.WebRequest

This task preforms the given HTTP request to the specified address with the given parameters.

Input Parameters

  • Message
    • The message that is to be sent with the request
  • Address
    • The address of the server the request is being sent to
  • HTTPMethod
    • The method to use, e.g. GET, PUT, POST
  • Headers
    • An array of HTTP Headers to add to the request.
  • TimeoutS
    • The timeout of the script or process execution in seconds.

Example Usage

For example when calling this task to produce a Json format Http request with server authentication credentials (username: Aladdin, password: OpenSesame):

Header 1
Name: "Authorization"
Value: "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes("Aladdin" + ":" + "OpenSesame"))
Header 2
Name: "Content-Type"
Value: "application/json"
Header 3
Name: "Accept"
Value: "application/json"


Will produce a Http request with the following headers:

    "Name": "Authorization",
    "Value": "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l"
    "Name": "Content-Type",
    "Value": "application/json"
    "Name": "Accept",
    "Value": "application/json"