FRENDS⁴ Common Components : Frends.Acc.SimpleTasks.HttpResultTask.CreateHttpResult

This task creates a HTTP that can be returned from a process that has a HTTP trigger. The task makes it possible to manually set content-type, encoding, content and HTTP headers for the response.

Input Parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample values
Http status code

HTTP response status code.



Content type


Response content type. Affects response HTTP header "Content-Type" String"application/xml"
Content encoding

Response encoding. Affects response HTTP header "Content-Type"

String "UTF-8"
ContentResponse body content.String"<foo><bar></bar></foo>"
Http Headers

Collection of HTTP parameters for the response.

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample
NameName of the argumentString "Set-Cookie"
ValueValue of the argumentString  "UserId=3;"
Object collection 


Response object that can be returned from a process end node to allow HTTP response with a HTTP trigger.

Example Usage

Http status code: "200"

Content type: "application/json"

Content encoding: "UTF-8"

Content: "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"

Http Headers:

  • Header 1:
    • Name: "Set-Cookie"
    • Value: "UserId=3;"

Resulting http response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Set-Cookie: UserId=3;
