FRENDS⁴ Common Components : Frends.Common.Adapters.SOAP.CallSOAPService

This task executes a given process with the given parameters asynchronously.

Input Parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample values

Data to be written into SOAP server.




If payload is already soap-format the use RAW otherwise use SOAPMessage then Payload is not wrapped inside the soap-format.SOAPRequestTypeRaw/SOAPMessage
ResponseTypeHow task returns value RAW = string,
SOAPMessage = string(but soap envelope has been removed),
Dynamic = ExpandoObject,
Both is reserved future use and dotn't use this.
SOAPRequestResponseTypeRaw / SOAPMessage / Dynamic / Both
ServiceAddressSOAP server addressString""
SOAPActionSOAP actionString"foo"
ContentTypeHttp header content type valueString"text/xml"
ContentEncodingHttp header for encodingString"UTF-8"
CertificateFileFile path where is certification file if SOAP server requires this to accept calls. Can be null or empty otherwise.String"c:\foo\bar.cer"
TimeoutSecondSecond to be wait server response before call is considered as an failure.  

Extra headers for HTTP-message(optional)

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample
NameName of the argumentString ""
ValueValue of the argumentString ""
Object collection 


The SOAP response XML.


Example Usage

Payload: "<foo>bar</foo>"

RequestType: SOAPRequestType.Raw

ResponseType: SOAPRequestResponseType.Raw

ServiceAddress: ""

SOAPAction: "foo"

ContentType: "text/xml"

ContentEncoding: "UTF-8"

CertificateFile: null

TimeoutSecond: 30


  • Header 1
    • Name = ""
    • Value = ""


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">