FRENDS⁴ Common Components : Frends.Common.Files.Operations.ReadMultipleFiles

This task creates a HTTP that can be returned from a process that has a HTTP trigger. The task makes it possible to manually set content-type, encoding, content and HTTP headers for the response.

Input Parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample values

Collection of files to be read.

Parameter nameDescriptionData typeExample
File pathPath to the fileString "C:\\Temp\\file.xml"
Output nameName for the property where file contents will be stored in the output object.String  "File1"
EncodingFile encodingString"UTF-8"
Object collection 


Dynamic object that contains the contents of the files that were read as properties of the object.


Example Usage


Dynamic result (represented here as JSON)

  "MyFile1": "<foo>bar</foo>",
  "MyFile2": "<bar>foo</bar>"


Using the result

You can refer to the properties of the dynamic object in other tasks using the following syntax.

